Gravity drives the evolution of the universe, but the gas dissipative dynamics is a central, yet unsolved, issue in the theory of galaxy formation. Current theories succeed in reproducing the observed mass distribution of galaxies only by introducing powerful stellar and black hole feedback that alleviate the rapid gas cooling and condensation into stars. However, the fact that a large fraction of the gas internal energy is stored in turbulent motions, instead of being radiated away and lost, adds a huge level of complexity to the physics of baryonic matter because cosmic turbulence is magnetised, intermittent in space and time, involves the plasma nature of the gas and pervades all the thermal phases from the hottest at more than one million Kelvin to the coldest at about 10 Kelvin in which stars form. The prodigious development of new facilities on the observational side, and the fast increase of computing power on the modelling side, in conjunction with theoretical breakthroughs, are opening up the field, calling for new multi-disciplinary approaches.

This conference is the third in a series dedicated to research funded by an advanced ERC grant at ENS in Paris. It will gather astrophysicists, observers and theorists of the local and high-redshift universe, and experts of turbulence and plasma physics, including laboratory experiments. The goal of the meeting is to facilitate cross-pollination of research in fields of astrophysics and physics that are usually discussed separately. We expect the conference to open new kinds of collaborations for the benefit of the young generations.


Two main themes will be developed in parallel along the week, with ample time dedicated to discussions:

  • Astrophysical challenges: Universe reionisation, Galaxy formation and evolution, Star formation and Interstellar medium
  • Physical processes: Turbulence, Magnetic fields, Plasma physics, Cosmic rays, Astrochemistry


The conference will take place at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse (IESC), in Corsica (France)

The attendance is limited to 100 participants. Accomodation information will be provided later. There will be no registration fee.


  • Opening of pre-registration and abstract submission: March 1, 2025
  • Closure of abstract submission: May 1, 2025
  • Notification of abstract selection and opening of final registration: June 15, 2025
  • Closure of final registration: August 28, 2025
  • Conference: September 28 – October 3, 2025
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